EasyRPGプレイヤーは、RPGツクール2000/2003で制作されたゲームを遊ぶためのアプリです。(現在のところ、RPGツクールXP/VX/VX Aceは非対応です。)公式サイト: https://easy-rpg.org/更新履歴: https://easy-rpg.org/blog/2016/03/easyrpg-player-0-4-1-blind-attack/バグ報告先: https://github.com/EasyRPG/Player/issues/Installation instructions are displayed the first time you start the app.
Special features:Tap the menu button and scroll to the bottom to edit screen buttons position. Tap the back button to access an additional menu to add more buttons to the screen.
Tap the gearwheel icon of a game to set the region. "Auto detect" is the default and works well for most games. Select “Western Europe” for games from countries like Germany, Spain and Americas, select “Eastern Europe” for Russian and cyrillic games and “Japan” for Japanese games.
You can report bugs in-game by tapping the back button of your Android device. In this menu you can toggle the FPS and the virtual buttons, too.